AI and drones in construction
Photogrammetry using drones to create intelligent 3D models
Using drones on construction sites for construction progress documentation, surveying, mapping and inspection of hard-to-reach areas
Driven by the rapid spread of smartphone technology in recent years, drone technology has also developed dramatically. A variety of smartphone components and sensors, such as gyroscope, lithium-ion battery, camera sensors and many more are also used in commercial drones or multicopters, as they are also called.
The existing drone technology has already reached a stage where it is well suited for use on construction sites with minor adjustments to the software. Possibilities for the use of drones on construction sites include construction progress documentation, surveying and mapping, viewing of hard-to-reach areas.
The challenge in the deployment of drones is to select the appropriate systems from drones hardware, software and data-analytical tools for the respective application. Artificial intelligence plays a decisive role in this process in order to be able to draw the right conclusions from the often huge amounts of data.
AI for converting image data into intelligent 3D models
Ein Beispiel bei der künstliche Intelligenz bereits heute auf der Baustelle zum Einsatz kommt, ist die digitale Erstellung von Dach- und Fassadenvermessungen. Hier hilft die KI um aus Bilddaten, intelligente 3D Modelle zu erstellen, die standardisiert vermessen werden können. Wie das funktioniert ist in den folgenden drei Schritten zu sehen:
- On site, a drone is used to capture images of the building:

2. Using photogrammetry algorithms to create a 3D model:

3. Using edge detection and semantic analysis to create an intelligent 3D CAD model:

On the basis of the 3D CAD model, measurements can be taken, construction-related changes can be made, target/actual comparisons can be made and much more. The intelligent 3D model provides the basis for all project participants to exchange information about the project on a uniform database.
Through the appropriate combination of drones and modern AI methods, workers on the construction site can be supported, processes accelerated and risks on the construction site reduced.
Within the framework of Smart Design and Construction, the project team is working on developing a variety of additional applications for construction companies resulting from the combination of AI & drones.