Creating a digital collaboration structure
Not just because of COVID-19, we have decided to fulfill our project in a digital way!
Nowadays, many companies are confronted with digital collaboration tools. By changing direct communication to digital communication, they experience a completely new way of working.
In this article, we would like to share our experience we made with you and give you a short insight into the way we communicate
The basic software we use is Microsoft Teams. In MS Teams, we communicate per Chat, store our data, keep track of our daily tasks or just use it to start a conference call.
Because of the size of the project, we decided to work in groups. Each group has a different focus they work on. For example, “Team Plattform” is taking care of all the topics that are connected to the platform architecture: data processing, meta data structure, web services etc.
Even though there are different teams, it is extremely important that they work closely together . Each teams needs to know what the other teams are doing. One key indicator to create such a transparent and open working environment is MS Teams. As you can see in the screenshot below, the team structure is built up in MS Teams.

If that short introduction caused great interest, don't hesitate to get in contact with us. We are very happy to share our experience with you.
So far, we are more than happy with our solution and have been able to proceed in the way we planned without bigger troubles
For more frequent updates follow us on our social media accounts.
To keep such a big group of partners connected is a challenge we are more than happy to accept!
Together we will shape the transformation of the industry!
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#Thanks2BMWi #Thanks2DLR