Sdac akademie

Bevorstehende Veranstaltungen





Angewandte Programmierung für Immobilien-manager Basics

Yuhao Gao

15-18 UHr





Julian Halter, Hamid Rahebi

15-18 UHr




Ökobilanzierung von Gebäuden

Elke Widmann

15-18 UHr





Carolin Baier, Marc Weinmann

15-18 UHr





Hamid Rahebi, Maria Mortazavi

15-18 UHr





Julian Halter, Hamid Rahebi

15-18 UHr





Jan Wolber, Philipp Zielke

15-18 UHr






Julian Halter, Hamid Rahebi

15-18 UHr





Jan Wolber, (Philipp Zielke)

15-18 UHr





Carolin Baier, Marc Weinmann

15-18 UHr





Hamid Rahebi, Maria Mortazavi

15-18 UHr





Julian Halter, Hamid Rahebi

15-18 UHr




Angewandte Programmierung für Immobilien-manager Basics

Yuhao Gao

15-18 UHr




Ökobilanzierung von Gebäuden

Elke Widmann

15-18 UHr

Past Events

2. Roundtable Nais 12.12.2023

Our second roundtable on the NaiS research project on MS Teams offered insights into current developments and concepts. Participants actively helped shape the future of the project by contributing their opinions and ideas. The constructive discussion helped to move NaiS forward. We would like to thank all participants for their committed participation

Future Real Estate 30.11.2023

Buildings become truly smart when they meet the needs of their users! At the Future Real Estate in Munich, questions about the necessary “smartness” of a building and how users navigate in intelligent buildings were lively discussed. Jan Wolber presented our network and the results from the SDaC and NaiS research projects. A look behind the scenes of the Smart Building Event with exciting insights and findings!

1. Roundtable: Von Walki Talki zu Messengern

At our last event we dedicated ourselves fully to the importance of good communication in construction projects. We've talked about how to evaluate and measure communication flows, which channels work best for different types of conversations, and how to improve those channels. How can construction projects communicate smartly to ensure their projects are successful? These questions were our focus – and we discussed lots of exciting ideas and solutions!

Presentation Global Cleaner Production Conference (GCPC)

At the GCPC conference, Svenja Lauble presented results from 27 expert interviews on the topic of sustainability assessments for existing buildings. Her lecture "Towards Efficiency in Sustainability Assessments for the Building Stock" highlighted challenges and solution concepts for sustainable renovation measures. The conference discussed the importance of the construction industry as an important ecosystem and questions about the reuse of building materials, the role of product passports in sustainability and the design of individual building materials. Thanks to Elsevier for organizing it, and we look forward to more opportunities to share ideas and drive positive change in GreenTech solutions for a more sustainable construction industry.

SDaC Training 31.10.2023

In an exciting three-hour training session, specialists and managers in the construction industry received practical insights into the basics of artificial intelligence (AI). The training covered various forms of AI and their potential applications in construction, while also highlighting how to create collaborative collaboration between humans and AI. The aim was to promote a proactive culture of innovation around the fascinating topic of AI across the entire construction value chain.

1. Roundtable Nais  30.10.23

At our first roundtable in the research project NaiS - Sustainable Intelligent Renovation Measures, around 30 to 40 participants took part to hear the presentation of the project and initial ideas. The topics were then discussed in a lively discussion. We were pleased that there was so much interest in our project.

2. Consortium meeting NaiS
26. + 27.10

During the second consortium meeting in the research project NaiS - Sustainable Intelligent Renovation Measures in Stuttgart, we dealt intensively with topics such as user flow, MVP and artificial intelligence as well as #strandedassets. The team worked together with commitment and despite the challenging discussions, team spirit was not neglected. Thanks to everyone involved!

Greentech innovation competition kicks off October 19, 23

In its opening event, the GreenTech innovation competition, sponsored by the BMWK, offered a look into the digital future for climate and environmental protection, competitiveness and sovereignty. Experts from 21 innovative projects, including representatives from the SDaC team, presented exciting lectures and practical workshops

Roundtable: Conversion of aerial image data into digital building models

Groundbreaking technologies in the construction industry, drones and AI in focus, are revolutionizing building surveying and 3D modeling. . The round table organized with CyberForum e.V. provided interesting insights and offered an opportunity for networking. Thomas Bücheler from Airteam Aerial Intelligence presented the progressive integration of drones and AI. From innovative applications to supporting automated construction machinery, the event showcased the future of the construction industry through tangible examples and expert insights.

MeetUp ZeppelinLab

In a meetup at the Z Lab on “AI as a building block of the future,” Diego Cisterna, research associate at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, shared insights into artificial intelligence (AI) in the construction industry. The SDaC project developed demonstrators with construction companies such as Goldbeck and Steuer Tiefbau to show the AI potential in building design. Diego introduced the startup Valoon, which uses AI for construction site communication via WhatsApp. Max Zipfel from Zeppelin shared AI integration experiences, while Paul Groß from maple. AI-based solutions for quick floor plans and occupancy planning were presented.

SDaC Congress

How can AI support people in the construction industry? Which tasks can machines be taught and which cannot? What advantages does AI bring to construction? These and other exciting questions were examined in more detail at the SDaC Congress in Karlsruhe.

EC3 conference on Crete July 10-12, 2023

We were involved with three contributions at EC3 (European Council on Computing in Construction). In an article we discussed the challenges that SMEs face when introducing AI based on some of the results from our project. Here is the link to the publication:

Roundtable: Automated storage of construction site images July 6, 2023

The 10th roundtable was about how AI can be used for efficient image classification in the construction industry. For this purpose, J. Jakubik from the KSRI (KIT) presented the app developed as part of SDaC, with which images can be automated, cataloged and stored with very little effort. A total of 25 people took part and discussed the possible applications together after the presentation.

DigitalBau conference

We were able to take part at Digitalbau with a lecture on the topic of “AI in construction”. In the first part we presented the basics of artificial intelligence and in the second part we presented the demonstrators of our project.

IGLC Lille 28.06.-30.06.2023

We were involved with three contributions at the 31st IGLC (International Group for Lean Construction) conference. In addition to design thinking and automated assignment of performance indicators using NLP, it was also about the interaction between low-code and AI and how this helps with CIP. The papers are available here:

BMWK KI summer campus June 21-22, 2023

We took part in the KI summer campus on June 21st and 22nd. SDaC presented partial results of our research project and took part in interesting discussions. The campus offered insights into various AI applications, inspiring examples from companies such as Infineon and Sennheiser, as well as keynote speakers such as Gunter Dueck and Frank Eilers. The event highlighted the efficiency and potential of AI in medium-sized companies.

Consortium meeting March 23, 2023

At our last consortium meeting in the Drees & Sommer Innovation Hub, the focus was on the exploitation of the use cases and the research project. In this inspiring environment there was not only a film premiere (more to come) and sporting activations, but also the latest developments for the application of AI in the construction industry were presented and discussed.

GLCI IT goes Gemba 16.03.2023

At the German Lean Construction Institute - GLCI e.V. IT goes Gemba trade fair, we were initially able to represent SDaC at the press conference. We thrilled people with the lecture title “Beam Me Up SDaC - Applied AI for Leaner Construction”, but also showed those interested in construction and digitalization how AI can support construction. Afterwards there were great exchanges. We were very pleased with the feedback we received about the platform and the individual use cases.

DigiCamp Deggendorf 26.04.2023

At the DigiCamp "AI in Construction - Will the intelligent construction site become a reality?" At the Deggendorf Institute of Technology we were able to present some of our demonstrators live. A total of 150 participants took part in the hybrid event. Interested participants received an account on our #platform so that they could try out all the demos developed for themselves.

Bits and Machines (BAM) 26.04.2023

At BAM we were able to present our two research projects SDaC - Smart Design and Construction and NaiS - Sustainable Intelligent Renovation Measures at Coreum GmbH as part of a market stall and in a lecture on the topic of "Human-Machine Co-creation". The entertaining lectures focused on the topics of people, sustainability and networking.

Network event SDaC

At the 3rd SDaC network event, the status quo was first presented and then the current status of the platform was presented

RoundTable floor plan generator February 29, 2023

One of our demonstrators was presented in the digital roundtable on the topic “From the spatial book to the 3D building model”. This was developed by the KIT Institute IAI. A lively exchange took place afterwards.

Construction Technology Day 03/2023

We were represented at this year's Construction Technology Day with the lecture on the topic of "Sustainable digitalization using the example of the SDaC research project".

Building symposium Deggendorf March 10, 2023

At the construction symposium at the Deggendorf University of Technology, we had the opportunity to present SDaC - Smart Design and Construction to companies and students and to answer questions about the project.

Consortium meeting on the Zugspitze on October 19th - 21st, 2022

At our consortium meeting, we had the best conditions to work productively with the Schneefernerhaus environmental station on the Zugspitze. The initial focus was on presenting the previous results of the use cases. Subsequently, in several workshops, in addition to the roadmap for the end of the project, ideas for continuation of technical development were also generated.

Roadshow Digital Technologies 09/2022

SDaC was on a four-day roadshow together with Smart Building. as well as quantum computing research projects and startups in Switzerland to get to know important players, institutions and projects from the two subject areas and exchange experiences. The journey takes you from Zurich via Lausanne to Geneva and Horw.

Züblin Technology Day November 22nd, 2022

At the Züblin Technology Day NRW, we laid the foundations for what we mean by AI in our lecture and then presented our demonstrators.

BMWK network event of the BMWK November 24th, 2022

As part of the AI networking event in Berlin, we were able to discuss our approach to the human-centered development of AI applications for the construction industry and current ideas about perpetuating the project results together with other research projects in two panels.

GLCI IT trade fair
in Berlin on September 14th, 2022

Philipp Zielke opened the GLCI trade fair “IT goes Gemba” with a lecture on lean and AI synergies. In addition to other exciting lectures from various software providers, there were also many interesting discussions with these same software providers.

Days of digital technologies in Berlin

At the end of August 2022, the Days of Digital Technologies took place again in Berlin. Here we had the opportunity to inform and exchange information with interested parties from business, research and politics about current developments and future-relevant topics in the field of digital technologies.

Network meeting in Karlsruhe on July 19, 2022

At the meeting in the Cyberforum premises, those interested were able to test the recently launched SDaC platform with its AI applications. Exciting lectures on the topic of “AI in the construction industry” and a get-together with cool drinks rounded off the event.

Digital technologies in the construction industry, July 7, 2022

At a forum organized by the VDI, Diego Cisterna presented the SDaC research project in a webinar on digital technologies in the construction industry. At the same time, the latest developments of the platform and the finished use cases were presented.

RoundTable “Digital Intelligence - From 2D/3D capture to the BIM model”

In our digital roundtable, exciting topics relating to 2D/3D capture and BIM models were presented and discussed. We would like to thank all participants, Denis Wohlfeld (Faro) for the lecture, Kerstin Goos (CyberForum) and Dominik Steuer (steuer Bau) for the organization and moderation."

DigitalBau in Cologne on June 2nd, 2022

Dominik Steuer and Jan Wolber represented SDaC at DigitalBau in Cologne with a lecture on the topic of “AI in the construction industry”. The term AI was explained and our prototypes were then presented as exemplary applications. Thank you for the successful event!

Consortium meeting in Dortmund on April 28th-29th.

At our consortium meeting in Dortmund, everything revolved around the exploitation of our developments for two days. Stay tuned for the results of the individual workshops! There was no shortage of fun in individual team building events, such as a scavenger hunt through Dortmund or the “Dance in the Dark”.
Seien Sie über die Ergebnisse der einzelnen Workshops gespannt!
In einzelnen Teambuidlingevents, wie einer Schnitzeljagd durch Dortmund oder dem "Tanz im Dunkeln" kam der Spaß nicht kurz.

CyberLab Accelerator 2022

In spring 2022, SDaC took part in the StartUp Accelerator organized by CyberLab together with 17 startups. In the start-up program, the platform's business model was further fleshed out and challenged in discussions with other founders.

Further testing sessions in spring 2022

Numerous further testing sessions of our prototypes took place in the spring. Together with users from the construction industry and construction software companies, feedback on the content, design and functionality was recorded - all in the spirit of user-centeredness.

17th regional practical meeting GLCI in Karlsruhe on March 30, 2022

On March 30, 2022, SDaC was able to help shape the 17th regional practical meeting of the GLCI in Karlsruhe in the form of an interactive lecture. Dominik Steuer and Jan Wolber introduced the around 50 digital participants to the world of artificial intelligence (AI).

6th RoundTable presentation of the SDaC platform on November 22nd, 2021

In the 6th roundtable, Marvin Rosian, employee at project partner Fraunhofer ISST, presented the first iteration of the technical prototype of the SDaC platform. In addition to a survey, the subsequent discussion round discussed opportunities and challenges that are essential for the further development of the platform.

Testing sessions in autumn 2021

Our testing sessions took place in autumn 2021. The current status of our use cases and the SDaC platform were presented. Feedback from testers was collected as part of digital workshops. Based on this feedback, the development teams were able to go into new iteration loops.

5th consortium meeting and network meeting on October 7th - 8th, 2021

In October our 5th consortium meeting took place in Berlin from October 7th to 8th. At the halfway point of the project, our technical prototypes were presented and the next steps were discussed. There was also a network meeting with our associated partners on October 18th.

Presentation at the 6th International BBB Congress on September 16, 2021

Construction projects and their supply chains are complex due to the large number of interfaces. Information chains have many media breaks and information exchange often takes place in analogue form. Jan Wolber and Özgür Tercan presented a solution to this problem for the concrete supply chain at the BBB Congress.

Lecture at the 1st DiTTEt conference on September 16, 2021

With their work and their presentation at the DiTTEt conference, Diego Cisterna and colleagues highlight drivers and barriers for the implementation of AI in the construction sector and its adjacent industries.

5th RoundTable “Results of the SDaCathon and AI in Research” on July 13th, 2021

At our fifth roundtable, we read the SDaCathon review together with the winning team of the SDaCathon "iBIMs" and discussed where the journey of AI in research is headed.

Presentation at the 28th "PACIS" conference on July 13, 2021

As part of a structured literature research, Patrick Hemmer, Max Schemmer, Michael Vössing and Niklas Kühl identified relevant factors that influence collaboration between humans and AI and presented them at the PACIS conference

Lecture at the “ECIS” conference in Marrakech on June 15, 2021

In current research, the focus in the development of AI-based CV systems is usually exclusively on technical aspects, while socio-technical aspects such as trust, control and autonomy are neglected. Michael Vössing and colleagues reported more on this at the ECIS conference

1st SDaCathon from April 23-25, 2021

Make the construction industry sexy again! The first hackathon took place as part of the research project with around 100 participants and prize money totaling €12,000.

4th consortium meeting

At the fourth consortium meeting, more than 30 participants discussed the current status of the research project, developed new topics and got together for networking games. The consortium meeting took place in digital form and was made interactive using various digital technologies such as Miro, Wonderme and breakout sessions in MSTeams.

Lecture at the IHK theme week “Artificial Intelligence” June 7th, 2021

At the IHK's theme week, we showed how AI can be implemented in the construction industry. For this purpose, insights into exemplary use cases were provided.

Keynote - AI: Object recognition in the construction industry May 20, 2021

In this lecture we presented various possible uses of the technology, including in building planning at auxalia GmbH. He also looks at the role humans play in the development of artificial intelligence systems and how humans and machines can meaningfully complement each other.

AI in AEC Conference March 24-25, 2021

The international conference “AI in AEC Conference 2021 – Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Engineering and Construction” from March 24-25, 2021 included 230 participants from 30 countries. We applied to take part in this conference as part of the SDaC research project with the use case: "Object recognition".

RoundTable “Data acquisition on construction sites” March 24, 2021

At the fourth roundtable, our two project partners FARO Europe GmbH & Co. KG and AirTeam Intelligence GmbH presented options for collecting data on construction sites. A wide variety of technologies from robotics, laser scans, drones and lidar were compared.

German Construction Technology Day

The research project was able to give a keynote speech on the topic of artificial intelligence in the construction industry at the opening of the German Construction Technology Day 2021. Around 1,000 people took part in the opening and subsequent panel discussion.

“Build differently”
(IHK Rhein-Neckar)

Insights into this were provided at the IHK Rhein-Neckar event series.

Roundtable with Professor Shervin Haghsheno (KIT)

In the third roundtable, Professor Shervin Haghsheno presented the two topics of lean construction and artificial intelligence. In the subsequent question and answer session, Johannes Jakubik (KSRI) promoted the discussion as an AI expert. A total of 275 people took part.

AI&Data Lunch

Dr.-Ing. Michael Vössing and Jan Wolber presented our human-centric approach in other active research projects. Open questions were clarified in subsequent digital market stalls.

Digitalization now concrete, digital: October 21, 2020

In this online lecture, Dominik Steuer (authorized signatory at Steuer Tiefbau GmbH) presented SDaC and its use cases to listeners from various industries.

Network meeting, Karlsruhe: October 9th, 2020

We can only further develop our applications through the feedback from relevant stakeholders (or also called “SDaC holders” 😉. That’s why we discuss current wireframes with our partners here. Thank you for the lively discussions!

Consortium meeting, Karlsruhe: October 8th, 2020

The first half year of our research project is already over - at the consortium meeting we had the time to look back and forward. Thank you to everyone for taking part under current conditions.

SDaC Roundtable 3: Man & Machine September 18, 2020

In this roundtable Dr.-Ing. Michael Vössing spoke on the topic of human-centric artificial intelligence. Examples for the construction industry were presented.

DigitalBau, Cologne: 12.02.2020

Today we represented SDaC @digital.bau, very interesting talks and inspiring people! Thanks @planenbauen40 and @deutschesbaugewerbe for hosting us!

Bits and Machines, Correum: 29.01.2020

Continuing the road show @bambitsandmachines​! Thanks for having the possibility to present and join the great event. ​

GLCI-Konferenz, Frankfurt: 28.11.2019

One of the main tasks of our project is the empowerment of those involved in the construction. We make AI usable for the building industry - in many expert discussions the interest could be aroused!​

SDaC & Bauwirtschaft BaWü, Karlsruhe: 11.10.2019

Today we had a visit from the Bauwirtschaft Baden-Württemberg e.V. interesting and open exchange on the topics that move construction! We are already looking forward to the cooperation with the KMUs!

AIxIA, Karlsruhe: 01.10.2019

Many exciting lectures on current developments and challenges for AI in Europe at the AIxIA​

BMWi, Berlin: 30.08.2019

Today we were able to present our research proposal to the Federal Ministry of Economics - what an honour! :)

SDaC Workshop, Frankfurt: 23.07.2019

In the internal workshop with our consortium and associated partners we sharpened our use cases and made ourselves ready to submit the concept application.​

Tag der Bauwirtschaft, Iffezheim: 12.07.2019

On "Tag der Bauwirtschaft" we had talks with many construction companies. Their challenges are the starting point for our AI applications.​

BBB Assistententreffen, Karlsruhe: 10.07.2019

SDaC will be presented and discussed at the BBB assistants' meeting in front of more than 30 research assistants.​

BuildingSmart, Karlsruhe: 06.07.2019

SDaC presents itself at the event "Digital planen, bauen und betreiben (BIM)" in Karlsruhe!

IGLC, Dublin: 01.07.-05.07.2019​

What could the construction industry look like when a platform replaces the general contractor? SDaC presented current research results on this topic, among others.​​

Tag der digitalen Technologien, Berlin: 14.05.2019

Here we go! We were very happy about the exciting sessions (with Peter Altmaier), contacts and discussions.