A growing network of and for practice, technology, research partners and multipliers
Consortium partners
Karlsruhe Service Research Institute
Our goal is to make advanced methods of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the construction industry legally usable. In particular, we want to develop novel systems that solve the complex planning problems in the construction industry through the intelligent cooperation of humans and machines, even beyond company boundaries.
Gemeinschaft für Überwachung im Bauen EV.
Every year, many millions of cubic metres of concrete are used on thousands of construction sites throughout Germany. In order to be able to concrete all of this in outstanding quality, special quality assurance measures are necessary. We believe that we can only maintain our market leadership through competence. For us, competence also means "being ahead of the game". 10,000 site managers expect us to develop tomorrow's technology today. We are SDaC!
Steuer Tiefbau GmbH
Our goal is to allow people to participate in the digital change in the building process. To achieve this, it is important to take along and integrate the people working on the construction site for this change. We want small and medium-sized companies to continue to benefit from technological progress in the future, and we want software solutions that are developed for people and not for the process.
Goldbeck GmbH
Our goal is to provide our colleagues with intelligent assistance systems in the future, which in dialogue with the users show the best possible scenarios and implement subsequent processes semi-autonomously. We are convinced that SDaC offers an excellent platform for this and will advance the industry as a whole.
SDaC will make complex technologies such as artificial intelligence and drones accessible to a wide range of participants in the construction industry. This will make work easier, more efficient and safer for SDaC users.
FARO develops 3D measurement technology for fast and easy digitization of construction sites. This allows time series of the actual state to be created and compared with target states. Our project goal is to provide the data on a common platform and to use AI applications to support improved planning, the identification of construction defects and the detection of hazards.
Institut für Technologie und Management im baubetrieb
The digital change and the associated AI-based Technologies will be decisive factors in Germany's ability to remain competitive in the future. At the same time, they represent a major challenge, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. SCaD will help to enable SMEs to apply AI-based technologies and to maintain the competitiveness of SMEs in Germany.
Deutsches Institut für Normung
Fraunhofer ISST
With the help of the SDaC platform, a collaborative and networked ecosystem between companies of all sizes in the construction industry and artificial intelligence applications will be created. The platform creates the foundation by acting as a mediator between the construction industry and artificial intelligence by bringing together decentralized distributed data volumes and enables interoperability through sovereign data exchange.
CyberForum E.V.
We need a strong AI ecosystem made in Germany & Europe to bring the usable AI concepts together with the respective end users. Only a strong ecosystem in which all relevant stakeholders are brought together around a common table can be sustainable. SDaC will contribute to networking the relevant stakeholders and to accelerate a basis for the exchange and successful deployment of AI-based technologies.
Metis Systems AG
Institut für Angewandte Informatik
digitales Bauen
With the help of SDac, planning processes become simpler and quality-assured. Pattern recognition for constructive connections reduces the complexity of planning, especially in large interdisciplinary planning projects. Once developed and proven constructive solutions can be automatically transferred to new problems, even across projects, with the help of the platform.
Deutscher Beton- und Bautechnik-Verein E.V.
Our goal is to digitize and thus standardize the heterogeneous supply chains of building products using the example of ready-mixed concrete by using the new data and AI driven platform. We would like to develop a concept of a digital supply chain for concrete products or a traffic light solution for the incoming goods inspection of concrete products.
Xitaso Holding GmbH
The platform developed with SDaC offers enormous opportunities for the digitization and networking of many processes, which will become significantly faster and cheaper as a result. Users thus gain real competitive advantages. XITASO supports the development of the platform itself as well as the apps and services created on it with its expertise in Software engineering, AI-based technologies and agile project management.